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2010-2011 Winner
3A - Liberty High School, Tara Wood
2A - Burlington Edison High School, Coaches Lindsey (Neff) Rosales & Amber Winsor

2009-2010 Winner
Burlington Edison High School, Coaches Lindsey Neff & Amber Winsor

2008-2009 Winners
4A - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
3A - Hanford High School, Coach Kim Mayer
2A - Burlington Edison High School, Coach Lindsey Neff

2007-2008 Winners
4A - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
3A - Hanford High School, coach Kim Mayer

2006-2007 Winner
Hanford High School, Coach Kim Mayer

2005-2006 Winners
4A - Kentwood High School, Coach Kim Kawachi
3A - Hanford High School, Coach Kim Mayer



2018 Winners


COACH- Stephania Gullikson

2017 Winners

CONTRIBUTOR- Robby Sortore

2016 Winners


COACH- Christoff Elster

2015 Winners

COACH- Dave Pilcher

PROGRAM- Connect Cheer


2014 Winners


COACH - Tyler Janes, South Elite & Kentwood High School


2013 Winners

​​PROGRAM - Kentwood High School, Coach Kim Kawachi

CONTRIBUTOR - Andrew Gustafson


2012 Winners

​​COACH- Nancy Ellen, Ballard High School

CONTRIBUTOR - Jibreel & Jameel Rayam, ATC 

CONTRIBUTOR - Stephania Lemeshko, WSCJA


2011 Winners
CONTRIBUTOR - Cindy Pardee, Bellevue HS
COACH- Laurie Beaver, Decatur HS

2010 Winner

CONTRIBUTOR - Kiki Bittner, PacWest

2009 Winners
COACH - Kim Mayer, Hanford High School
COACH - Kim Kawachi, South Elite, Kentwood HS
CONTRIBUTOR - Kathy Crowley, Peninsula HS
PROGRAM - South Elite, Kim Kawachi
PROGRAM - Galaxy, Ronda Thomas

2008 Winners
COACH - Kristi Freeman, Olympic High School
CONTRIBUTOR - Andrea Snyder, Juanita HS

2007 Winners
PROGRAM - Hanford HIgh School, coach Kim Mayer
COACH - Terry Dixon
CONTRIBUTOR - Pam Headridge, Susan Fortin​




2018 Winners

Rec Coach of the Year - Nykole Unser-Larson, Puyallup Junior Vikings

Rec Assistant Coach of the Year - Carie Lamson, Bothell Junior Cheer

Rec Rising Star Coach of the Year - Hillary Lewis, Eastside Dream Elite

Rec Program of the Year - Puyallup Roughriders


High School Coach of the Year - Shana Biggs, Auburn Mountainview HS

High School Assistant Coach of the Year - Paige Snider, Ballard HS

High School Program of the Year - Meeker Middle School


WSCCA Member of the Year: Sheryl Schisler


Hall of Fame Program - Olympic HS

Hall of Fame Contributor - Becki Fleury, Varsity

2017 Winners

Rec Administrator of the Year - Ryan Daly, Mercer Island Parks Department

Rec Coach of the Year - Renee Engelking, Puyallup Roughriders

Rec Assistant Coach of the Year - Brittany Ellis, Orting Junior Cheer

Rec Rising Star Coach of the Year - Katie Sander, Eastside Dream Elite

Rec Program of the Year - Tahoma Junior Cheer


High School Athletic Director of the Year - Chris Carr, Auburn Mountainview HS

High School Coach of the Year - Mikey Carlyle, Moses Lake HS

High School Assistant Coach of the Year - Casey Sullivan and Jordan Pederson Salm, Skyline HS

High School Rising Star Coach of the Year - Amber Torres, Lynnwood HS

High School Program of the Year - Hanford HS


Hall of Fame Coach - Anne Christiansen, Eastside Dream Elite

Hall of Fame Contributor - Robby Sortore, Varsity

2016 Winners

School Coach: Jennetta Blake, Steilacoom High School

School Assistant Coach: Amanda Pardee, Bellevue High School

High School Program: Enumclaw High School

High School Rising Star: Courtney Christie, Eastside Catholic

Athletic Director: None


All Star Coach: Tracy/Jody, Connect

All Star Assistant Coach of the Year: None

All Star Program of the Year: Celebrity cheer

Rising Star: None


Rec. Coach: Sherri Adams, Peninsula Youth

Rec. Assistant Coach: None

Rec. Program of the Year: None

Rec. Rising Star: Jacqui Jackson, Eastside Dream


WSCCA Member of the Year: Jean Blatchford


2015 Winners

School Coach: Stephania Gullikson, Skyline High School

School Assistant Coach: Kathey Hatfield, Hanford High School

High School Program: Mt. Si High school

High School Rising Star: None

Athletic Director: Eric Davis, Hanford High School


All Star Coach: Brittany Hecker, Connect

All Star Assistant Coach of the Year: Javie Meza, React

All Star Program of the Year: BPM- Bellevue Performance

Rising Star: Ryan Thomas, Connect


Rec. Coach: Anne Christiansen, EDE

Rec. Assistant Coach: None

Rec. Program of the Year: Eastside Dream Elite

Rec. Rising Star: None


WSCCA Member of the Year: NancyEllen Elster



2014 Winners

School Coach: Kim Westerberg, Enumclaw High School

School Assistant Coach: Jaymie Ford, Central Kitsap High School

High School Program: Moses Lake High School

High School Rising Star: Courtney Christie, Bellevue High School

Athletic Director: Mark Torgerson, Spanaway Lake High School


All Star Coach: Valerie Wolbert, Natural Venom All Stars

All Star Assistant Coach of the Year: Cristina Ross, Natural Venom All Stars

All Star Program of the Year: Connect All Stars

Rising Star: Amy Wallace, Roach Elite


Rec. Coach: Toby Black

Rec. Assistant Coach: Renee Babtiste

Rec. Program of the Year: Eastside Dream Elite, Anne Christiansen

Rec. Rising Star: Bonnie Jean Thomas, North East Tacoma Tigers


WSCCA Member of the Year: Shanna Biggs, Auburn Mountainview High School


2013 Winners

School Coach: Jessi Stevens, Mount Si High School

School Coach: Tiffany Webb, Union High School

School Assistant Coach: Lauren Albritton, Oak Harbor High School

High School Program: Skyline High School, Stephania Gullikson

High School Rising Star: Jackie Boak, Ceadercrest High School

Athletic Director: Phil Willenbrock, Peninsula High School


All Star Coach: Brittany Brown, Natural Venom All Stars

All Star Program of the Year: South Elite All Stars

All Star Program of the Year: NW Xtreme All Stars


Rec. Coach: Sherri Adams, Peninsula Youth Cheerleading

Rec. Assistant Coach: Jessica Mercer, Bellevue Jr. Wolverines

Rec. Program of the Year: Orting Junior Cheer

Rec. Rising Star: 


2012 Winners

School Coach: Traci Brandon, Mercer Island High School

School Assistant Coach: Michelle Hamilton, Bethel High School

School Program of the Year: Steilacoom High School

High School Rising Star: Samantha Neito, Juanita High School


All Star Coach: Kim Kawachi, South Elite

All Star Assistant Coach: Brittany Hecker, Connect All Stars

All Star Program of the Year: Natural Venom All Stars

All Star Rising Star: Ben Canty, South Elite


Rec. Coach: Renee Stansberry, Botell Jr. Cheer

Rec. Program of the Year: Graham Eagles

Rec. Rising Star: Courtney Patterson, Moses Lake Mini Chiefs


Member: Laura Nation, Central Kitsap High School

Athletic Director: Scott Garvis, Eastside Catholic High School

2011 Winners
School Coach: Cindy Pardee, Bellevue High School
All Star Coach: Tara Futcher, Build It Athletix
Assistant Coach: Laura Nation, Peninsula High School
Member: Tara Wood, Liberty High School
Administrators: Lisa Hechtman, Kevin Rohrich, Skyline High School
Rising Star: Tammy Fox, Skyline High School & Jenn Lucas, Reardan High School

2010 Winners
School Coach: Tara McVay, Tahoma High School
All Star Coach: Christina Archer, NW Silver Stars
Rec Coach: Anne Taylor, Eastside Dream Elite
Assistant Coach: Elana Towers, Union High School
Member: Brian Antich, Action Athletics
Member: Stephania Lemeshko, Skyline HS
Athletic Director: Brent Kawaguchi, Easklake HS

2009 Winners
School Coach: Andy Gault, Bothell High School
School Coach: Emily Schutz, Ferris High School
All Star Coach: Tyler Janes, South Elite
Rec Coach: Vicki Smith, Woodinville Jr. Cheer
Assistant Coach: Kasey Johansen, Skyline High School
Member: Tanica Blackwell Wittig, Bellarmine Prep
Athletic Director: Bob Dowding, Seattle Lutheran HS

2008 Winners
School Coach: Dave Pilcher, Heritage High School
All Star Coach: Lauren Walters, Galaxy
Rec Coach: Eileen Uson, Federal Way
Assistant Coach: Robin Gohn, Oak Harbor High School
Member: Tara Wood
Athletic Director: John Applegate, Redmond High School

2007 Winners
Rec Coach: Deana Harris, Woodinville Jr. Cheerleading
All Star Coach: Robby Sortore, Connect
Member: Andrea Snyder, Juanita High School
Athletic Director: Bob Smithson, Oak Harbor High School
Activity Director: Dave Morris, Heritage High School

2006 Winners
Coach: NancyEllen Elster, Ballard HS
All Star Coach: Tammy Carlson, Liberty
Member: Cindy Pardee
Athletic Director: Joanne Daughtry, Kentwood HS

2005 Winners
High School Coach: Nancy Garr, Ferndale HS
High School Coach: Kim Kawachi, Kentwood High School
All Star Coach: Terri Manning
Member: Erin McIntyre

2004 Winners
High School Coach: Lynn Fallows, Mt. Si High School
All Star Coach: Ronda Thomas, Galaxy
Member: Kathy Crowley, Peninsula High School

2003 Winners
Coach: Laurie Beaver, Decatur High School
Member: Cindy Pardee

2002 Winners
Coach: Pam Headridge, Oak Harbor High School
Member: Toni Buxton


(UCA National Award)
2010 - Glacier Peak High School, Coach Lisa Zanol
6th Place
2010 - Burlington Edison High School,
Coaches Lindsey Neff & Amber Winsor
9th Place
2010 - Eastside Catholic High School, Coach Ronda Thomas
Community Service Award
2010 - Kentwood High School, Coaches Kim Kawachi & Tyler Janes
Special Recognition


2009 - Burlington Edison High School 2nd Runner Up
2009 - Omak High School - Outstanding Achievement


2008 - Hanford High School, Coach Kim Mayer
2nd Runner Up
2008 - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
3rd Runner Up
2008 - Burlingon Edison High School, Coach Lindsey Neff
Special Recognition


2007 - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
1st Runner Up


2006 - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
Special Recognition


2005 - Hanford High School, Coach Kim Mayer
3rd Place


2004 - Oak Harbor High School, Coach Pam Headridge
5th Place


2003 - Oak Harbor High School , Coach Pam Headridge

2010 - 2011 - WA State Spirit Coach - Laurie Beaver
2004 - 2005 - WA State Spirit Coach - Kathy Crowley
2003 - 2004 - Section VIII Spirit Contributor - Sheri Ramsey
2000 - 2001 - Section VIII Spirit Coach - Pam Headridge


2011 - Connect - 19th - Small Limited Co-ed Level 5
2011 - South Elite - 6th - International Open Co-ed Level 5
2011 - South Elite - 8th - Senior Semi Limited Co-ed Level 5


2010 - South Elite Coed 5- placed 6th - Coach Kim Kawachi, Tyler Janes
2010 - South Elite All Girl - placed 11th - Coach Kim Kawachi, Tyler Janes


2009 - Galaxy - Coach Ronda Thomas
2009 - South Elite Sr. Coed International - Coach Kim Kawachi
2009 - South Elite Jr L5 - Coach Kim Kamachi


2008 - Galaxy Cheer Lg Sr 5 - Coach Ronda Thomas
2008 - Galaxy Cheer Lg Jr 5 - Coach Ronda Thomas
WON - 2008 - South Elite Lg Sr International - Coach Kim Kawachi



2007 - Galaxy Lg Sr 5 - FINALS - 18th out of 27 - Coach Ronda Thomas
2007 - South Elite Sm Sr Co-Ed 5 - FINALS - 30 out 31- Coach Kim Kawachi

2009 - Heritage HS, Coach Dave Pilcher
National Coed Intermediate Champions
2006 - Oak Harrbor HS, Coaches Pam Headridge &Tammy Carlson
National Coed Intermediate Champions

CHEER BIZ magazine
Dec. 2009 issue - West Coast Extreme, Coach/Owner David Long
Dec. 2009 issue - South Elite gym, Coach/Owner Kim Kawachi
Oct. 2008 issue - Connect, Coach/Owner Kristin Couch

"Come On Crowd, Shout It Out", by Kathleen Hager, American Cheerleader magazine, August, 2011. Eastside Catholic, winner of AC's Spirit Week photo essay contest. Coach Ronda Thomas

June 2011 issue - Eastside Dream Elite Highlands featured in June 2011

American Cheerleader magazine CLICK HERE to read the article. Coach Anne Taylor.


"Passion with a Purpose", by Brittany Geragotelis, about Pam Headridge,
The 2011 American Cheerleader Coach's Handbook




The WSCCA is a non-profit organization (501-C3) created for cheerleading coaches in Washington state as a source for education and development.

WSCCA Tax ID # 91-2040858

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